Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Aneurysms essays
Aneurysms essays While in the my seventh grade P.E. class, I was pulled aside and told that my mother, Frances, was in the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, I learned that my mother was diagnosed with five cerebral aneurysms. That morning while she was at work, three of the aneurysms burst. At that time in my life I didnt know what they were, but I knew that my mother was in a bad condition. My mother was life-flighted to Herman Hospital in Houston, Texas. There she endured hours of extensive, tedious surgery, and a swift recovery. This recovery time was passed quickly by prayer, and family togetherness. I have reason to believe that among all of the family, I was hurt the most with this misfortune. My mother and I had never before shared a close relationship. This incident brought about the prospect of losing her. It not only worried me, but also it improved our relationship. Seeing the tubes and IVs in my mother was very traumatizing. I thought that this was a one time only occurrence; I w as extremely wrong. In November 2001, my Aunt Mavies died of what is believed to be an aortic aneurysm. In an instant my best friend was taken from me. The only discrepancy between the two cases was the fact that my aunts aneurysm burst in her stomach. Recently, one of my other aunts, Clarissa, was screened, and the doctors have diagnosed an aneurysm. She is extremely afraid that her time on Earth is short because of the severity of the other two cases in our family. Current studies show that aneurysms can be passed throughout a family. Moreover, I could possibly be the recipient of this life threatening occurrence. To help cease my aunts worries and to aid my curiosity, I have been trying to load my mind with the knowledge of aneurysms. But three questions remain unanswered in my quest. What exactly is an aneurysm?; What causes them?; and What can be done to resist or prevent them? First of all, understanding what an aneurysm is will...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biomass and the Environment Analysis Essay
Biomass and the Environment Analysis Essay Biomass and the Environment Analysis Essay Sample Biomass and the Environment Analysis Essay Sample Energy Conversion Technology in Modern World The contemporary world suffers from numerous issues undermining its economic, ecological, social, and political sustainability. One of such challenges is the search for new energy resources. Nowadays, there exist various trade relations and cooperation between countries generating the common sources of energy. Furthermore, the fast-moving societies of the most developed areas of the world managed to move to another stage of evolution and find alternative ways of generating energy. This solution is appropriate for every nation regardless of the economic situation. Moreover, in the future, it could solve many problems in the social segment saving costs of millions of people all over the world. The paper is talking about biomass and energy generated as the result of its processing. In particular, the discussion touches upon the principles of processing garbage into energy and fuels. Waste management has already become one of the most alarming topics of the contemporary society. It worries politicians, ecologists, and common people at the same time, as well as calls nations to participate in the ecological improvement of the surrounding world. Ten years ago, nobody could even think that garbage can become a reliable source of energy. On the contrary, currently, it is one of the most beneficial energy sources, which can put down misunderstanding in political and economic relations of many countries. In general, at the local level, biomass can become a cost-saving technique satisfying needs of people without pushing their financial sustainability to the limit. The following discussion reveals the essence of the new concept of energy conversion and generation of new ways of fulfilling the same needs in energy and fuel. It is worth paying attention to all peculiarities of waste management and generation of energy with the help of garbage. It can become a key not only to the improvement of financial and political sustainability but also to the regulation of social issues weighing heavily on the minds of millions of people. Principles of Energy Generation and Use As mentioned earlier, garbage is an alternative source of energy, which humanity did not consider as a necessary element of energy generation. However, as long as garbage is a relatively new source of energy there are different ways of receiving energy from it. First, it is necessary to mention that biomass is an organic material, which people can use to generate fuel (Schill, 2013). In particular, biomass can serve as the source of ethanol production, which can have a further processing in higher-octane gas (Ethanol Fuel Basics, n.d.). Vehicles flexible in using fuel can successfully utilize this type of fuel. For example, numerous cars use biodiesel rich in vegetable oil and fat, which makes it safer for the surrounding world and less expensive than common fuel. There are various ways of receiving biofuels, which include crops, woody plants, residues from forestry and agriculture, and organic waste from the industrial and municipal area (Dale Huber, 2009). The processes of converting waste in fuels are different; however, it is possible to see the essence of the phenomenon using the example of processing residues from forestry. Wood is one of the reliable sources of energy, which gives people an opportunity to satisfy their needs (Biomass: Can Renewable Power Grow on Trees? 2009). In general, plants go through the same chain of stages leading to the generation of energy (Ebert, n.d.). First, they receive energy from the sun, which further transfers in the chemical process leading to the storage of energy. Further, this energy finds its release when plants are burned. The main benefit of plants as a source of energy is that they are a renewable biomass (Biomass Heating and Cooling Technologies, 2015). However, the contemporary ecological pro blem makes it a mandatory option to increase the area of green forests to switch to the alternative source of energy. Biomass can find its usage in the conversion into electricity or fuel. Moreover, biomass is regularly used with coal. Power plants add biomass to boilers with coal, which helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful emissions in the air. Renewable biomass makes it possible to transfer from the polluted areas to the healthy and fresh world. AQUATOX is one of the mandatory elements in the use of biomass. It is a program designed to stimulate the transfer of biomass and other chemicals between different ecosystems (What does AQUATOX do? 2015). AQUATOX includes information on life balance of various natural areas. It reflects the diversity of biological processes taking place on the daily basis. The essence of the program is to show which processes have a direct influence on the sustainable functioning of different ecosystems. For example, it can indicate which adverse factors should be avoided to prevent natural imbalance. Biomass use also has its reflection in the mentioned program as each process can have both positive and negative impacts regardless of its initial intention to improve the selected area. The system can show the effects of the processes happening due to the use of biomass energy. Biofuels are one of the most promising alternative sources of energy, which can both fulfill transportation needs and reduce the dependency on the oil-producing petroleum. However, the world still has a long way to go to satisfy the needs of the developed countries in fuel with the help of biomass. Unfortunately, there is not enough crops, plants, and other resources, which could meet the requirements of every highly developed city. The invention of the technology processing plants into fuel is a valuable achievement, which is most likely to continue its beneficial influence on the future generations. There is a proof that it is possible to receive biofuel from everything with organic nature. The principle of biofuel is to generate energy from the conserved energy of plants. Garbage, in its turn, is most likely to be an optimal source of organic waste necessary for the generation of ecologically friendly fuel. In general, the principles of the new concept are simple focusing on the n eed of increasing crops and other plants, which can be further used for the benefits of the world’s improvement. Finally, there will be more benefits if the world pays attention to the need of avoiding oil in the production of fuel, which destroys an ecological sustainability of many countries. Consequently, biomass is surely the key to the resolution of oil dependence. Groundwork of Choice Regardless of low opportunities of biomass inclusion in the production of energy, it is possible to see many benefits of its use. Humanity has never been closer to the resolution of the diversity of problems circulating in different segments of its performance. Biomass can become a key to the enhancement of the world’s ecological balance, leading to the healthy upgrade of the most polluted areas. Probably, it should become an element boosting an overall intention to improve an ecological sustainability along with the rise of forests, crops, and other plants necessary for biomass generation. It is crucial to consider all aspects of the influence of the biomass. First, the choice of biomass relates to the idea that it can produce and increase the use of energy generated from the natural sources. In addition, it reduces the amount of waste going to the landfill (RE-Powering America’s Land, n.d.). Those areas, which once had problems with garbage, will have a significant relief by using organic waste as a source of energy. As a result, it will become possible to reduce the amount of methane emissions caused by waste in the landfill (RE-Powering America’s Land, n.d.). Waste energy facilities will become the best opportunities to improve the situation with processing garbage. While fossil fuels produce too much carbon dioxide, natural sources of energy offer an essential reduction of the harmful emissions in the air due to the ecologically friendly substance. Another significant benefit is that biomass can contribute to the reduction of dependency on the price fluctuations of oil. Economic sustainability and political relations can have an efficient improvement thanks to the introduction of the alternative sources of energy (Biomass Energy Basics, 2014). For example, the USA could start using domestic production of biofuels, which would improve an ecological situation along with international cooperation (RE-Powering America’s Land, n.d.). In addition, there is no need to create huge plants producing biofuels. It is possible to put small plants in the places next to the garbage storage, which can produce fuel fast. It will help to meet the requirements of the population and enhance an ecologically friendly intention of the nation to choose biofuel (Melting Coal, 2013). With the help of garbage, it will be easy to access resources owing to its high availability without fear of price fluctuations. Benefits to the local community will not take long to reveal itself. Finally, landfills can also have significant improvement, which will result in the overall upgrade of the ecosystem. In conclusion, it is necessary to remember that human activity can have both negative and positive influences. Alternative sources of energy are one of the most important decisions leading to the overall upgrade of the world’s sustainability. Biomass has a myriad of benefits regardless of the lack of natural resources, which can satisfy the needs of the developed countries. If there is a need to move to another stage of evolution, it is a mandatory step to increase the area of forests and other plants. However, garbage may be considered as an endless source of energy, which people will always be producing. Turning to the organic sources of energy is a right decision covering transportation needs of the society. As long as the USA is powerful in influencing the world’s development, the starting point should take place across its territory. As a result, the nation will benefit from a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and avoidance of oil processing aimed to achieve pe troleum. If the society continues to look further, it will become a common phenomenon to use organic sources as an alternative source of electricity. It is obvious that there are many opportunities, which require a strong support of desire, patience, and investments to change the world and improve it for the sake of future generations.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cross cultural management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cross cultural management - Essay Example Limited cultural training barred most interactions. Though, participating parties rated this handy experiment as a major embodiment of their education. Introduction Virtual teams are turning into a standard element of worldwide business affiliations. The globalization of affiliations and technological advancements ensue into driving this virtual team notion that may continue to augment and develop into the predictable future. Virtual groups vary from face groups. One key difference is that they are thoroughly geographically placed, a fact that forces individuals to aim at overcoming time, affiliation boundaries and time (Ahuja, Galletta, and Carley, 2003). Moreover, communication is continually identified as the key to fruitful virtual teams. Therefore, communication and its several elements are a prime focus of this study. Virtual workgroups can typically be acknowledged by their traits. Virtual teams are a functional team that is inter-reliant in work management, having displayed e quality in responsibility for upshots and universally managing relations across affiliation boundaries. ... Additionally, virtual teams provide the opportunity to form culturally, assorted solutions; enhances creativity and a strong sense of unity among the involved team players. This can also encourage a firm acceptance of new notions, offering a competitive merit for international affiliations. Other merits are cost savings related to lodging and travel, time separation which makes the project to be active and access to most of the influential people in the affiliation joining deliberations at a pantry cost (Furnham, 2000). The demerits of virtual teams are that they often lean to utilise a more time-consuming deliberation process. When misunderstandings and poor communication occur, conflicts may arise among working teams. The time and geographical distance zones between team members may make a resolution of these constraints harder (Zakaria, Amelinckx and Wilemon, 2004). Cultural constraints of notably diverse nations may aggravate the drawbacks. Communication and trust One of the most pertinent keys to affluence with regard to communication is complete trust among teams and their members. Team associates ought to feel liberated to assert their viewpoints with no fear of critics. This constraint can be more complicated if team affiliates have hardly met each other or know pantry regarding their workmates (Warkentin et al, 2002). The swift trust phenomenon postulates that team players import anticipations of trust from common settings. In virtual teams, there is overtly meagre time to reserve and develop any mode of individual relationships. Workforces are constantly selected for virtual teams based on a sundry knowhow set, with pantry or no considerable attention given to a past record of working closely together (Oertig,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What Causes Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
What Causes Obesity - Essay Example Some of the major causes for obesity are : Several studies say that environmental factors are among the major factors responsible for obesity. Lifestyle behaviors such as what a person eats, his friends, the people whom the person gets in touch, his surroundings, physical activity etc. are some of the factors. Genetics can also be causes of obesity, but it is not yet sure how much it is affected because the food habits of the family also may be the cause. Even so, science shows that heredity is linked to obesity. Obesity often is viewed as the result of a lack of willpower, weakness, or a lifestyle "choice"--the choice to overeat and under exercise. The belief that persons choose to be obese adds to the hesitation of health professionals and patients to accept the use of long-term appetite-suppressant medication treatment to manage obesity. Obesity, however, is more appropriately considered a chronic disease than a lifestyle choice. Obesity is the net result of an excess of energy consumption over expenditure. Obesity is a condition of excess body fat. Obesity is associated with too many adipose cells (hyperplastic obesity), adipose cells that are too large (hypertrophic obesity), or both. While changes in the size of adipose cells may occur at any age, the number of adult cells are fixed and determined by weight gain during certain periods of childhood development; fat cell numbers are established by late adolescence and, once established, do not decline. Being overweight or obese increases the risk to many diseases and health conditions, like Hypertension, Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides), Type 2 diabetes, Coronary heart disease, Stroke, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Sleep apnea, Respiratory problems and some Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon). Factors that must be considered as contributing to causation are: heredity, overeating, altered metabolism of adipose tissue,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Soil Conversations Essay Example for Free
Soil Conversations Essay The aim of soil conservation is the prevention of soil erosion so that the fertile topsoil is retained. There are a lot of methods that can be used to conserve the soil. These are: *Mechanical methods: The main strategy used in mountainous areas is terracing. Terraces built across slopes hold the soil on flatter land. These are mainly needed in tropical lands were rain falls in heavy storms, capable of removing large amounts of soil on slopes. On a smaller scale are embankments placed across the bottom of steep slopes to hold back soil and water. Farmers can help by using contour ploughing (around the slope instead of up and down). Ridges formed by ploughing block the downward movement of water on slopes. Planting trees in lines, either as windbreaks for the farm or as shelter belts between the fields, checks wind speed and protects from erosion. *Changes in farming practices: Erosion rates are lower when the soil is covered, one strategy can be the use of mixed cropping or internal cropping. For example, a field crop like maize can be planted between a bush or tree of coffee. Instead of leaving the soil open to wind, the bushes will afford protection. Crop rotation can also help in the same way if crops of different sizes and periods of growths are planted in neighbouring fields. The main advantage of crop rotation is the maintenance of soil fertility. This is because not all crops use the same nutrients: what one takes out from the soil, another will give back. Maintaining soil fertility is very important; adding organic matter to the soil is the best way to hold water and promote a stable soil structure. The main farm sources are animal manure, crop stubble, and straw. Mixed farming cannot be practiced everywhere, in the Great Plains in the western USA dry farming is used. Because of the low water availability, dry farming involves spacing plants more widely than in wetter areas and leaving the land empty of crops (fallow) every other year. In the dry years of the 1930s the top soil blew away in great clouds. Farmers were obliged to change their techniques during fallow years. Now field surfaces are left rough, and the soil is covered with a layer of waste and straw to protect it from the action of both sun and wind. *Community solutions: Some strategies are funded by governments, for example tree planting on slopes in and next to farming areas, in order to replace trees already cleared. Planting schemes without the community support are not always successful; the participation of the community increases the chances of success. For example in Nepal local people are allowed to harvest grass that is taken to the village to fed animals, animal dung is used to fertilize the land. When government instructs and supports this kind of projects, schemes like this can form part of an integrated rural development program. Soil conservation is integrated with agricultural change to increase food output and improve rural standards of living. A major issue in many rural communities in developing countries is land ownership. A majority of farmer don’t own their lands but pay rent to landlords, making the introduction of new conservation strategies impossible. What is need is a land reform that change this, but liitle progress has been made because powerful landowners have too much too lose.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay on Portrait of the Artist as A Young Man and The Wall
The Artist in Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as A Young Man and Pink Floyd's The Wall     Foragers, the people who live in hunter-gatherer societies, have no artists. It is only when society becomes complex enough to support a division of labor do artists emerge-first as shamans, then as the painters, singers, writers, etc., that we usually think of today. Society, then, creates the artist, but it can also destroy him. In A Portrait of the Artist as A Young Man, James Joyce describes the particular development of Stephan Dedalus that led to his becoming an artist. Pink's development in Pink Floyd's The Wall, mirrors that of Stephen yet concludes in the destruction of the artist.  An important similarity between them is their isolation. Joyce believed that the separation from society is important for an artist in order to see society clearly. Common people are easily swayed by authority figures, as Dante and other Irish Catholics are against Parnell by the church's condemnation, or by other trendy movements such as the peace testimonial, all of which are rejected by Stephen in the end. When Stephen in his discourse on beauty describes the basket, he says "your mind first of all separates the basket from the rest of the visible universe which is not the basket. The first phase of apprehension is a bounding line drawn about the object to be apprehended" (212). Thus, by extension, if an artist is to apprehend the society, a line must be bound around society separating the artist from it in order to view it; it is difficult in a maze of hedges to comprehend the pattern, but when viewed from above the paths in and out become clear. The artist must stand outside the changeable mindset of the average human being in orde... make up the crowd or the eerie, bulbous faces on the train. Stephen fulfils his role as an artist by becoming a sort of teacher-shaman as he gives his discourses on esthetics to Lynch and prepares to depart into the world, like some wandering monk or sage. Separate from society he is able to search out and convey the truth of society. Pink's isolation, however, utterly destroys him. Unable to endure, the wall is torn down by the hammer of conformity and Pink becomes the very personification of repressive society. If the role of the artist is to objectively show society the truth of itself, then Pink emerges an artwork in himself, an accurate mirror of the forces that shaped him.   Works Cited  Joyce, James. A Portriat of the Artist as a Young Man. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.  Pink Floyd. The Wall. Sony Wonder Studios, 1982. Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Building Natural Hazard Resilient Communities In India Environmental Sciences Essay
India is extremely vulnerable utmost natural catastrophes chiefly due to its instead alone geographical location and climatic conditions. Earthquakes, cyclones, inundations, drouth and landslides have been witnessed independently. More than half of the land mass is vulnerable to temblors of different strengths. Large parts of its land mass are prone to cyclones and drouth. These events have led to the deceases of several people, supplanting of colonies and devastation to belongingss. As exemplified by the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 and the south Asia temblor of 2005, India can be said to be one of the most disaster prone states in the universe. Our universe can be a dynamic and dramatic topographic point to populate in. Extreme natural jeopardies nevertheless threaten the being of adult male, species and communities likewise. More often than was antecedently witnessed, the electronic and print media study scenes of decease, desolation and desperation brought about by immense temblors, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, inundations, drought etc. These catastrophes have grown to go a major cause for concern in countries of the universe with really long coastlines like India because the happening of these catastrophes have become really frequent in the recent yesteryear and hold had their effects on life and supports. Existing low degrees of technological development every bit good as societal, economic and gender inequalities enhance the exposure of the hapless, illiterate and unskilled coastal communities in India. As a consequence of these conditions, the resiliency required to resile back to pre catastrophe conditions is extremely limited. Of greater concern presently is the identified inter relationship between poorness, clime alteration environment debasement and related natural catastrophes interacting in a reciprocally reinforcing mode. This identified relationship earnestly shackles sustainable development and can do nonsensical any little additions that may hold been recorded in natural jeopardy extenuation planning and policy development. In recent times, authorities governments in charge have implemented a displacement in paradigm in their attack to disaster direction. This new school of idea is borne out of the belief that development can non be sustained unless catastrophe extenuation is built into the procedure of development. Another of import portion of this attack is that extenuation and planning have to encompass a multi disciplinary attack crossing across all sectors of development. This attack besides embraces the fact that investings in extenuation and planning are much more cost effectual than outgo on alleviation and rehabilitation. This bottom up attack adopted helps beef up the edifice of sustainable patterns undertaken by resource hapless households of this part Influence OF NATURAL DISASTERS Natural jeopardies and later catastrophes have become a portion and package of human being. It has been said that the impact of a meteorite on earth lead to the pass overing out of dinosaurs and several carnal species about 65 million old ages ago. These sorts of events are really rare nevertheless. Geophysical jeopardies like temblors which can trip tsunami moving ridges and volcanic eruptions on the other manus have assumed more frequent happening rates. These jeopardies have their beginning from deep within the Earth ‘s inside and they occur as a consequence of perpendicular supplanting of tectonic home bases at the underside of the ocean. Earthquakes that trigger extremely destructive tsunamis moving ridges can happen as was the instance with the catastrophe of December 26, 2004 ( Bilham, 2005 ) . Hydro-meteorological jeopardies like cyclones, inundations, drouth, landslides etc were responsible for a high per centum of deceases recorded in the 1890ss. The rate at which geophysical jeopardies have occurred in the past few decennaries has remained comparatively changeless while the hydro-meteorological jeopardies have witnessed a important addition in recent times. There have been important events like the thaw of ice caps in the polar part, sea degree rise and a more frequent happening of jeopardies like inundations, drouths, hurricanes, typhoons etc. These events lend acceptance to the premise that planetary heating is helping and act uponing clime alteration ( IFRC, 2001 ) . Experts have discovered that the cap of sea ice in the artic ocean melted to its smallest size for over a century ( Revkin, 2005 ) . The terrible storms of the past decennary have besides been blamed on higher sea surface temperature and increased H2O vapor in the lower ambiance which in bend are a effect of planetary heating ( Trenberth, 2005 ) . It has besides been reported that planetary heating may take to an upward tendency in tropical destructive potency. More late, terrible hurricanes that devastated New Orleans and some parts of Texas in the USA in 2005 and the tsunami that ravaged states around the Indian Ocean in 2004 were attributed to the effects of planetary heating by experts and media houses likewise. It must be mentioned here that the bulk of these natural catastrophes largely affect the development states and the hapless in developed 1s merely because they have limited get bying capacity as a consequence of terrible deficiency of proficient and fiscal resources. The negative impacts of clime alteration like heavy rainfall which lead to inundations and worsening rainfall taking to drought hold inauspicious effects on the economic system and nutrient security in local communities. Climate alteration besides puts more stress on socio-economic and ecological set-up of coastal India which is already stressed as a consequence of urbanization, globalisation and industrialisation. These jeopardies even cause greater adversity to occupants of states with long coastlines. India with a dumbly populated low lying coastline widening to over 7000km, is extremely vulnerable to sea degree rise. A great per centum of Paddy Fieldss in coastal parts are extremely vulnerable to flood by sea H2O ( Gupta, 2005 ) . Small island states like Maldives and Seychelles have about all their land mass at less than one metre above sea degree. The effects of sea degree rise for such countries of the universe as predicted by planetary climatic theoretical accounts will be drastic and lay waste toing as several lives will be lost and belongingss destroyed. The hazard of temblor happening is rather high for several parts of India ( Rao, 2005 ) . Predictions of high magnitude temblors along the mistake of Sumatra which lies south E of the old event of 2005 ruptures and the part adjacent have been made by experts. This part last failed in the 19th century, sometime in 1833 and it is believed that accrued significant strain exists within this country ( Lay et wholly, 2005 ) . Current attempts by the local governments and the international community to better tsunami warning capablenesss appear justified given the fact that future big graduated table temblors along the Sumatra mistake are extremely likely to happen. As a consequence of this states of the Indian Ocean have created and continually better on a part broad warning system in readying for the following at hand catastrophe ( Stone and Kerr, 2005 ) . The of all time turning population along the coastline of India will hold to be prepared for a much higher strength of hydro-meteorological jeopardies. Consequently, there is demand for little island states with long coastlines to pay equal attending to disaster direction with peculiar accent on the coastal parts. There is pressing demand for conjunct attempts at diversifying coastal economic systems with a position to heightening catastrophe recovery and edifice resiliency to the effects of these natural catastrophes ( Allenby and Fink, 2005 ) Vulnerability The exposure of any given country of community to natural catastrophes has societal, economic and ecological positions in add-on to fiscal and proficient capacities of the countries concerned. It refers to the degree to which physical assets and socio-economic apparatus are susceptible or resilient to the impacts of these natural jeopardies. Vulnerability is besides enhanced if susceptibleness to natural jeopardies in non provided for in development patterns. A close relationship can be seen between population addition in developing states, debasement of the environment, higher human exposure and the frequence and strength of natural jeopardy happening. An illustration of this can be seen in the fact that both loss of human life and strength of harm were much worse where the Rhizophora mangle had experienced debasement when the Orisa Cyclone occurred in 1999. Environmental debasement particularly with respects to forest screen remotion, is a critical factor in the transmutation of a jeopardy or climatic extreme such as heavy rainfall, into a catastrophe ( Myers, 1989 ) . A barbarous and reciprocally reinforcing rhythm is formed by environmental debasement, poorness and natural jeopardy exposure. In this state of affairs, the hapless are forced unrecorded alarmingly near to natural jeopardy hot musca volitanss and at the same exploit environmental resources for endurance. As a consequence of this, they become extremely vulnerable to the impact of temblors, cyclones, tsunamis etc. Among the hapless population, adult female and kids appear to be more vulnerable because of physical and socio-economic disabilities. Economic globalization has sped up the migration of immature work forces from the rural to the urban countries in hunt of employment chances. This leads to the ‘feminization of poorness ‘ where much of the rural agribusiness remains at the subsistence degree. Already faced with gender related disadvantages, the deterioration of economic position makes adult females much more vulnerable. It has been reported that four times as many adult female died in the December, 2004 tsunami as work forces ( Aglionby, 2005 ) . The of import thing here lies in the fact that both utmost and non so violent jeopardies exert their utmost effects unevenly in urban and rural environments, males and females and the rich and hapless. Natural Hazard Map of India Fig 1. Hazard Map of India. Beginning: Poverty, ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION AND NATURAL DISASTERS The section of economic sciences of the United Nations came up with a background papers for sustainable development at the universe acme held in South Africa in 2002. One of the documents submitted on the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction asked if sustainable development along with other instruments aimed at the protection of the environment and poorness decrease can be successful without seting into consideration the hazard and impacts of natural jeopardies. The obvious echoing reply was negative. Policies and steps aimed at catastrophe decrease should enable communities to go resilient to natural jeopardies while guaranting development attempts do non increase exposure. There exists linkages between poorness, environmental debasement and natural catastrophes and they are reciprocally reenforcing. Forest debasement straight and indirectly increases exposure to natural catastrophes. Resource hapless landless rural adult females and work forces migrate to neighboring urban countries in order to do a life and stop up as ‘environmental refugees ( Myers, 2002 ) . Any sensible attempt to undo these barbarous linkages will necessitate pressing attending to the decrease of menaces to sustainable rural development, preservation, Restoration, cut downing environmental debasement and sustainable use of natural resources. Developing states like India should try to ship on vigorous household be aftering programmes in order to look into the scaring rate of population addition. Developed states with high rates of human resource development have to cut down their trust on fossil fuels but besides portion their production engineerings and schemes of salvaging energy with the less developed 1s. The harmful effects of clime alteration possess a transboundary nature as it impacts are felt in every portion of the Earth. This fact leaves human sort with no other option but to join forces and collaborate with respects to minimising the negative impacts. As a consequence, the integrating of catastrophe direction with programmes and policies that support sustainable development is imperative. Vulnerability to natural catastrophe Ds Environmental debasement & A ; clime alteration Poverty and hungriness Barbarous spiral Set back to sustainable development Fig 2. Diagrammatic look of feedback relationship RISK REDUCTION MEASURES As a consequence of the annihilating effects of the Orisa cyclone of 1999, the Gujarat temblor of 2001, the tsunami of 2004 and a series of natural catastrophes, a high exposure to natural catastrophes has been identified. This owes to physical exposure, propinquity to guess prone zones, ailment maintained safety criterions to counter effects of jeopardies and socio-economic disabilities. A witting attempt for catastrophe hazard decrease later developed with support from several organisations. The spread that existed between information coordination and sharing was identified as experience and cognition by catastrophe professionals was remaining put with them. The authorities of India has adopted bar and extenuation as important parts of developmental scheme. The program merely supports the fact that development if planning and extenuation are non built into the development procedure. Each state or province is to develop a strategy for catastrophe direction in line with the attack of the defined program. Simply put, extenuation is being integrated into developmental planning. One of the several enterprises is fundamentally about the application of corporate cognition of the full work force to accomplish laid down organizational ends. It aids the procedure by which cognition is created, shared and applied. The cognition direction rhythm is made up of three positions viz. direction, application and organisation. Management which focuses on capturing, organizing and easing cognition Application trades with the smooth retrieval of required information through hunts. It relies on the cognition combination portion of the theoretical account. Organization trades with acquisition, sharing and partnering. This is chiefly the instruction part of the rhythm. Information about catastrophe readiness and extenuation steps policy guidelines have been available from assorted beginnings for some clip now. Faced with these natural catastrophes, 1000000s of people are badly affected due to non-existent or unequal header mechanisms. The ground for this is that information is non been transformed into life salvaging cognition for and by the existent communities at hazard. Due to the fact that India remains one of the most disaster prone states in the universe because of its big population, geo-climatic and socio economic conditions, authorities of India, through the place personal businesss office, in concurrence with nongovernmental administrations, educational and research establishments has been able to set this cognition program into action. With respects to temblors, a national nucleus group consisting experts in temblor technology and decision makers. They were assigned the undertaking of pulling up a scheme for extenuating the impacts of temblors, supplying advice on temblor extenuation, developing enchiridions for temblor immune buildings and working out systems for helping seismically vulnerable countries to follow and incorporate appropriate criterions and codifications in edifice byelaws. They were besides tasked with germinating systems for preparation of local applied scientists and practising designers in the private sector and developing a enfranchisement system for applied scientists and designers for proving their cognition of temblor immune building. They were besides staked with preparation Masons and shiping n public consciousness runs. The provinces were tasked with developing Hazard Safety Cells ( HSCs ) with the main applied scientist of the province public works section in charge in order to set up a mechanism for proper execution of edifice codifications and safety of constructions and edifices from assorted jeopardies. These cells will transport out appropriate design reappraisal of all authorities edifices to be constructed and act as advisers to authorities for retrofitting lifeline edifices. Some of these cells exist in Rajasthan, West Benghal and a few other provinces. RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The major aim of sustainable development is to make and keep comfortable ecological, societal and economic systems. There exists an confidant nexus between these systems as worlds can transform the ecological system and they besides depend on it for nutrient, wealth and security. Human actions can badly impact the ability of the ecosystem to execute its natural maps with inauspicious effects for exposure, human life and security. The indispensable function of resiliency for comfortable societal development has been revisited in the last decennary ( Gunderson and Holling, 2002 ) . Several instance surveies have helped cast more visible radiation on the connexion between resiliency, sustainability of societal ecological systems and diverseness ( Berkes and Folke, 1998 ) . Resilience fundamentally refers to the magnitude of daze that concerned system can defy and stay within a given province. It can besides be the grade to which the system concerned can form itself or construct capacity for larning and version. It has been argued that two constituents of any given system impact its resiliency, one being its adaptive capacity which is straight related to its heterogeneousness and loosely tantamount t the diverseness of its establishments and assets available in societal systems ( Folke et wholly, 2002 ) . The 2nd is its hardiness and this refers to the belongingss of a given system that allow it accommodate perturbation without extra version ( Webb and Levin, 2005 ) . Resilience and hardiness refer t the capacity of the system to suit perturbation without losing functionality. Catastrophe direction manner or process can destruct or construct resiliency depending on how the community concerned organises itself in response to direction actions. Building social resiliency requires understanding of ecosystems that incorporates cognition of local users ( Olsson and Folke, 2001 ) . The incorrect perceptual experience that adult male is decoupled from and in control of nature is the underlying cause of social exposure ( Kasperson, 2001 ) . Structured Scenarios and active adaptative direction have been identified as important to constructing resiliency. Scenarios are used to visualize alternate hereafter scenarios. By so making, resiliency edifice policies can be identified and used within the context of sustainable development. The likeliness of sustainable development is enhanced by pull offing for resiliency in a dynamic universe full of surprises. OPERATIONALIZING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sustainable development is a form of resource usage aimed at run intoing human demands while continuing the environment so that these demands can be met non merely in the present but besides for future coevalss ( Bruntland Commission, 1987 ) . It brings together the concern for transporting capacity of natural systems and societal challenges faced by humanity. hypertext transfer protocol: // Fig 3. Scheme of sustainable development demoing three constitutional parts. Beginning: ( Adams, 2006 ) It is now clear that sustainable development that considers the impact of adult male ‘s activities on the natural environment and efforts to cut down harm to the natural environment is the key to poverty decrease, environmental security and direction and extenuation of conditions and H2O related jeopardies. The programmes and development enterprises of the MSSRF have come up with theoretical accounts that are replicable for sustainable development ( Swaminathan, 2005 ) . It fundamentally targets resource hapless and landless communities particularly in the coastal parts because of population denseness, quickly worsening natural resources, work and income security and a high degree of exposure to these jeopardies. A typical illustration of a biological heritage in India is the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve in Tamil Nahdu. It is a typical illustration of a biological heritage earnestly affected by the reciprocally reenforcing relationship between poorness, debasement and natural resources. With this in head and the house belief that environmental debasement can be tackled by cognition and technological authorization of the resource hapless, illiterate rural adult male and adult females, the MSSRF came up with a programme for furthering sustainable supports in the Gulf of Mannar part with aid from the United Nations development programme. The major purpose of these programmes is to intermix technological frontier with local cognition in order to supply an incorporate orientation to technological development and airing. This aids the attendant ‘ecotechnologies ‘ to be adopted by rural households because of their ecological and economic advantages. When acquisition is done through work experience the hapless become able to get the hang engineerings in a short period. Womans organize themselves into self help groups ( SHGs ) and these groups undergo preparation and capacity edifice based n the resources available in that peculiar part, while small towns are grouped into biovillages with attending been paid to natural resource preservation and sweetening. As a follow up to this biocenters are established to supervise and supply support to biovillages with a position to constructing the capacity of rural households to pull off the assorted ventures. The MSSRF has come up with a kit for the description of this engineering and how to develop them. Fig 4. Location of biovillages in India in green Beginning: ( Kesavan and Swaminathan, 2006 ) In 1997, the MSSRF set up village information Centres and they are now called VKCs. These Centres generated clip, local particular and demand driven information refering to endure, harvest, poorness, authorities relief programmes, instruction, inside informations of eco-enterprises etc. It is documented that on the forenoon of December 26, 2004, proclamations from the VKC talkers saved many lives. Damage to belongings could non be stopped but many cherished human lives were saved. Decision We are faced with an increasing frequence in the happening of natural jeopardies and this can be attributed to a more complex universe where population detonation stares us in the face. The exposure of communities is besides increasing due to human activities. However, climate alteration and sea degree rise may be responsible for increased happening of some of these jeopardies. Globalization besides spreads the effects of natural jeopardies traveling beyond the boundary lines of the state straight affected. The international community responds to natural catastrophes when they occur in hapless or developing states but when they occur in the developed universe like USA, so there can be inauspicious effects for the universe at big. It would look that with all our technological and scientific discipline based progresss in our pursuit to understand natural jeopardies, applications and technological responses have clearly been deficient. Like ( Shah, 2006 ) justly noted ‘there is need to go the last stat mi ‘ . Response to catastrophe go on largely after the event and adequate demands to be done to back up research and pull up programmes for hazard appraisal, recommend countermeasures, physique and strengthen resiliency in communities at hazard. Scientists and catastrophe directors likewise need t work difficult to do certain robust scientific discipline takes a cardinal function in policy development.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Paradise Road- Creative Essay
I didn’t have to, but I did. It was an order, what other choice did I have? I was merely a low level officer; the power was in Hiroto’s hands. She broke the camp rules, outside dealings, but did she? It was medicine to save innocent women, innocent women who have been caught up in a war for power, which has resulted in the women becoming the powerless, and me the powerful. Each day I have to dig deep, keep on digging I tell myself, for reasons to be here; pride, family honour, dignity for my people, remember what father said; Japanese are the ones who made the Europeans rich, yet for hundreds of years the Europeans looked down upon us, now it’s Japan’s turn, still, my moral conscience has clouded my mind to the atrocities that I have seen, a short time ago I was a teacher of a class with half Japanese and half European, and they couldn’t see any differences, they looked to the inside, why can’t these officers look to the inside, morality in c hildren is a quality that is needed now, yet I see the children in the camp being bashed by that brute Tomiashi, I want to help, but Japan is now powerful, Japan must prevail. I passed the fuel to Tanaka, my hand trembling, I wanted to latch onto the bottle, throw it away, throw all this away, is this how far we have come, is the power really worth this? Ablaze, my eyes cloud while I have to control myself not to react, I must be strong in front of these European women, the powerful are not weak, they have oppressed me, although I cannot see it, them crying is the first instance of any reminisce of human emotion since I left my teaching job in the village, I didn’t want to leave the students, but the European students had fled with their families and we had instilled in our minds that the powerful nation would prevail, but is power worth this? I feel the confusion and anguish drop over me like a sheet of cold rain that chills you to your spine, this is wrong, this is wrong, but it’s for the great nation, we will be powerful, my stomach feels queasy. Days pass, although I feel no time as my soul feels extinguished, another lady†¦she merel y spoke, she merely spoke I whisper to myself, this is becoming too much, but I tie her to the posts, and insert the sharp bamboo into the ground, she has disrespected the Emperor she must honour the flag, stuff the emperor I say to myself, as I watch this innocent women struggle in the Sumatran sun as she fights to stay upright and avoid being impaled. Let me run over, let me free her, please! I tell my heart, I plead with my heart, but my brain prevents me, it’s for the nation, we will be powerful, but somehow that ideology is not what drives me to watch on, I am emotionless while watching this torture being committed, stuff the emperor, I clench my fists. The choir lady runs over with water, God bless her, humanity! It was not to be, Tomiashi yells and I have to intervene, emotion takes over me, â€Å"I’m sorry†I tell her â€Å"I’m sorry†, now I know that my heart and my mind are as one, no amount of power is worth this, this innocent women should not be here, she should be at home with her loving family, as should I, she’s so beautiful, I miss her, my wife†¦ it is only good luck that it is not her who is baking in the sun, my mind is made, stuff the emperor. Japan loses, Captain Tanaka and the other leading officers talk about the dishonour, the poverty that Japan will now endure, I look out the window of the officers’ quarters, and see the women smiling and cheering while Colonel Hirota tells them the news, they are now the powerful, and I am the powerless, I smile. By Fergus Neal Statement of Intention Upon taking a wider viewing of the film and seeing the obvious conflicts at play, I forced myself to look deeper and see the not so obvious conflicts that are omnipresent in the bystander characters. I chose to write a creative piece from the perspective of one of the guards who only features shortly in the film, has no name, but can be noted for saying a small but intriguing â€Å"sorry†to Daisy when she attempts to give Susan water, as if the emotion is starting to come to effect within him, and in citing this I chose to write a creative piece on his perspective and the inner conflict as well as conflict with the whole situation that he has faced that has culminated in him showing humility and apologizing to Daisy for not being able to allow water to be given to the tortured Susan. I chose to write in a formal way, but with a creative sense of writing present throughout which allowed me to delve deeper and actually place myself in this man’s shoes. My piece is for the audience of my teacher and fellow class mates as they should be able to comprehend the ideas that I am trying to convey through having seen, and understood the key aspects of the film. The purpose of this creative piece is to demonstrate how conflict occurs between the powerful and powerless, but also how those in power may experience their own internal conflict in looking deeper into power and how it can cause a sense of inner conflict in relation to that person’s values.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The SF Writers Grotto Collective †Interviewing Julia Scheeres
The SF Writers Grotto Collective - Interviewing Julia Scheeres The San Francisco Writers' Grotto - An Interview with Julia Scheeres Last updated: 07/31/2017In the past few weeks, we’ve been exploring different subjects around the writing craft on the Reedsy blog, giving a place for our exceptional editors’ experience and knowledge to be shared with writers. Today, we want to delve deeper into the subjects of creativity and craft, and interview Julia Scheeres. On top of being a bestselling author and a Reedsy editor, she teaches writing at a fantastic storytellers’ collective in San Francisco.This collective, The Grotto, is actually what we focus on most during our chat. Its founding story is an inspiring one. But we also discuss the narrative non-fiction genre (and in particular memoir), approaching agents, and the benefits of traditional publishing. We hope you enjoy the interview! As usual, the transcript is provided below. I’m really pleased to welcome Julia Scheeres to the Reedsy podcast. So, Julia, you’re an NYT bestselling memoir author, as well as an editor on Reedsy and a teacher at the San Francisco Grotto. Why don’t you give us a bit of background on that?Sure! My first book is a memoir called Jesus Land, that was published in 2005 by a very small independent publisher here in the US. And for whatever reason, it became an NYT bestseller and also a London Times bestseller. My second book, published in 2012, was about the Jonestown massacre. So they’re both narrative non-fiction. The first one is of course very personal because it’s a memoir - it’s my story - and the other one is more a work of literary journalism.And you’re also an editor specializing in narrative non-fiction, right?That’s right. I teach memoir and narrative non-fiction, locally here in San Francisco at the writers’ collective I belong to. I also teach through Stanf ord University and I’ve been a visiting writer at different other universities, but I also work with private clients, more and more.Sometimes someone will give me their entire manuscript, and I will do an entire in-depth structural edit; and other times I work as a writing coach, helping the writer develop the story that they’re trying to tell,  and meet with them on a regular basis to go over the work.So tell us a bit about this writing collective that you belong to: The SF Writers Grotto. How did it get started?I joined the Grotto in 2004 when I was writing my first book. It’s a collective of writers that was started by 3 friends, who were kind of lonely writing alone in their apartments, and decided to start a â€Å"collective†. So they rented an apartment in San Francisco, and they worked there together, and had a lot of fun - they were young and unmarried at the time. They would go out for drinks after work - it was kind of a little boys club!Bu t today, after many iterations - we just celebrated our 20th anniversary - , we’re a collective of over 100 people, who are either members (who have an office at The SF Writers' Grotto), or freelance there, or are fellows. And it’s just a great space! It’s a great space to be with other writers and network. I have my little office there that I share with a fiction writer and it’s wonderful to have a place that you can go into where there’s no messy house, no dishes piled up, no baby clothes strewn about; it’s just purely professional writing. And we all eat lunch together and talk about writing, about agents, we run pitch ideas by each other: it’s a fantastically supportive environment.Yes, I can definitely relate to that. It’s a bit like us startups and our co-working spaces, where we get to work alongside other startups and founders and exchange introductions, talk about our challenges, etc. So when I came across the Grot to, I thought â€Å"that’s a fantastic initiative for writers†! Do you find that being alongside other creative people (not necessarily all authors) also fosters creativity?We’re all writers, or rather storytellers of some sort at The San Francisco Writers' Grotto. And â€Å"telling stories†is what really matters in the end, so often at lunch we’ll discuss the best way to approach a story, possible sources for a story, and more creative points like that. It’s a very rewarding and kind of high-minded place to belong to because these people are obsessed with telling great stories just as much as I am.And the networking is amazing as well. I can write an essay or an op-ed piece and I’ll send out an email to the mailing list: â€Å"who’s got a contact at the NYT op-ed pages?†and I’ll usually get an introduction. It’s that type of thing, personal introductions to career-changing contacts.Now, since the Writers ’ Grotto began in 1994 it’s grown up a lot, where do you see the working space going in the next few years?Right now, it’s a little precarious for us in San Francisco, because where we are, in the south of Market District, there’s a lot of startups and technology companies. So our rent keeps going up, it went up by a third last year.So we’re trying to find ways to support ourselves, and to support the fiction writers, who maybe don’t make as much as, say, the magazine writers or the big name writers. So one way that we help support each other is that we offer classes through The Grotto. All classes are taught by working writers who specialize in the area that they’re teaching, who are actually published in the area that they’re teaching.So yes, we’re currently feeling the squeeze of being creative types in a city like San Francisco that’s going through a huge metamorphosis right now. But we’re going to make it work, we’re really determined, because it’s too good a community to let it die.Now let’s talk a little bit about what you teach: memoir and narrative non-fiction. We recently had a blog post on our blog by one of our editors about memoirs, and how it is a very competitive genre where it is hard for first-time authors with a small following to rise. Would you agree with that?No. I think that in the United States it’s easier to be published in memoir. Publishers love memoir because there is a true story behind it. You are a product that they can then get on television or radio interviews: there’s something there, it’s not just made up. That is the appeal of memoir. Of course, it is a crowded market and it’s not easy to get published but if you have an amazing story to tell, or if you are a born storyteller with something insightful to say in memoir, by all means, that would be the route to getting published. It’d be much easi er than fictionalizing your first story into a novel.That makes sense. And it’s the difference of opinions I love to see among professional editors, because, of course, if you specialize in fiction you’re going to think differently and see the market differently from someone who specializes in memoir. Now my last question would be about self-publishing: is it a path you recommend to the memoir authors you work with?I would always try a traditional publisher first. I still see self-publishing as a little bit of a second-class vehicle, because you don’t have the support of a traditional publisher, you don’t have the marketing department, the contacts, the distribution channels, etc.In the US there’s all kinds of independent publishers - not vanity publishers or self-publishing companies - which are great! They do a fantastic job editing and packaging your book. I also tell my students and clients to make sure they’re getting some kind of fee dback. You don’t just write your book and submit it, you first need to get feedback from beta readers and from a professional.That’s an excellent point. A lot of the requests that we receive are from authors looking to go the traditional route, but wanting to strengthen their manuscript before querying agents. Do you think that makes sense?Of course. I mean, you want to submit your best book to an agent, otherwise they’ll turn you down. You really want someone who can critique you and give you constructive criticism. This is what I do with my clients: I read through the manuscript and I see what the narrative arc is, what the character arc is. If it’s memoir, I look at what the larger theme is, and how to best start the book. The first 10 pages I usually spend a lot of time working on, because they’re crucial on grabbing a reader’s attention.Thank you so much for this advice, Julia, and for the presentation of The Grotto!Have you tried writi ng in a writers' collective space? What do you think about the SF Grotto? Let us know your thoughts, or any questions for Julia, in the comments below!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Encapsulation in Computer Programming
Encapsulation in Computer Programming Encapsulation in programming is the process of combining elements to create a new entity for the purpose of hiding or protecting information. In object-oriented programming, encapsulation is an attribute of object design. It means that all of the objects data is contained and hidden in the object and access to it is restricted to members of that class. Encapsulation in Programming Languages Programming languages arent quite so strict and allow differing levels of access to an objects data. C supports encapsulation and data hiding with user-defined types called classes. A class combines data and function into a single unit. The method of hiding details of a class is called abstraction. Classes can contain private, protected and public members. Although all the items in a class are private by default, programmers can change the access levels when needed. Three levels of access are available in both C and C# and an additional two in C#Â only. They are: Public: All objects can access the data.Protected: Access is limited to members of the same class or descendants.Private: Access is limited to members of the same class.Internal: Access is limited to the current assembly. (C# only)Protected Internal: Access is limited to the current assembly or types derived from the containing class. (C# only) Advantages of Encapsulation The main advantage of using encapsulation is the security of the data. Benefits of encapsulation include: Encapsulation protects an object from unwanted access by clients.Encapsulation allows access to a level without revealing the complex details below that level.It reduces human errors.Simplifies the maintenance of the applicationMakes the application easier to understand. For the best encapsulation, object data should almost always be restricted to private or protected. If you choose to set the access level to public, make sure you understand the ramifications of the choice.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Nike Growth Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nike Growth Strategy - Essay Example At the time of entering foreign markets such as Japan, Europe, and others Nike Inc used the strategy of opening flagship stores and franchise. Flagship stores proved quite successful for Nike Inc due to its strength of generating compelling products that might excite the target customers. Major befit of franchising is that the company does not have to take the total risk of foreign investment. The franchise owners take all possible risks and also finance the maximum percentage of start-up cost. On the other side, the company takes more than 50% of profit for from the franchisees as their brand value. This is one most cost-effective entry process of any business for foreign market entry. Along with franchising, the company also prefer opening of flagship stores in new markets as an effective entry mode. Though this mode is comparatively more cost and risk associated strategy the company can present strong market awareness and brand presence in the new market. Again, the flagship store mode of entry allows the company to enjoy 100% profit from sold goods in these stores. In 1992, the company under consideration decided to enter India in association with SIEPL or Siera Industrial Enterprise Private Limited. The objective of Nike was to tap the Indian market and to receive royalties. The WestEnd Store of the company is the resultant of partnership with Timera Group which is also a leader in the wholesale and retail manufacturing across the areas of U.S., Europe, and the Middle East.
Friday, November 1, 2019
CS 4 - Strategic Choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
CS 4 - Strategic Choices - Essay Example This forms the principal guideline of Coca-Cola whereby it designs its company activities to suit the income and preference changes in the market. It is essential to note that Coca-Cola serves various ages of individuals: Both the old and young person’s utilize the brand. Coca-Cola is widely spread around the world. The activities of Coca-Cola transcend bias even in low-income countries. The countries, under Coca-Cola service stretch from USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa. The company’s headquarters manage a global channel of distribution. In turn, it produces diverse brands out of the traditional domain of soda brands (Hirschey, 2008). Additionally, Coca-Coca integrates its activities in customers, employees, partners and its leadership. As for the partners, the company’s mission regards linking customers, suppliers and the company in a competitive network of entities. Coca-cola, as well, strive to a socially just society through participation in world concer ns and other community’s issues. These community’s issues regard water, sanitation and hunger. Revision of SWOT analysis This regards the strength that Coca-Cola possesses in the beverage competition. In close relation to this, SWOT analysis addresses the loopholes to achieving an edge in beverage market. In addition, it addresses challenges and inevitable threats it faces from the markets and competitive field. The company possesses notable strengths. To begin with, Coca-Cola shares a long history of serving the beverage world. This is contrary to companies that feel out of the competitive field. Each emerging generation of customers are willing to identify with the brand. The brand name is a robust force that traverses across groups and countries. This help in the fact that individuals can easily relate to the brand without relating the same to a specific group’s link (Inkpen & Ramaswany, 2006). The company utilizes an effective advertising method of various t ypes to harness customer base. The company faces a weakness of offering almost similar products just as other beverage companies. Despite its strength, the brand loses out to other popular brands such as Pepsi. Additionally, the company faces the weakness of offering products that medical expertise has analyzed to contain harm to individuals. The larger the quantity of such products, the more risky it becomes to consume. The opportunities for Coca-cola are notable. To begin with, the company can collaborate with other brands to produce different goods. This will serve to minimize anti-market campaigns and competition. In addition, the brand can engage in production of healthy products. The company can also establish a unique taste in their beverages to edge themselves out of the brands such as Pepsi. The company’s threats regards protective measures from other countries. This relates to tariffs and policies. In addition, its expansive activities face the challenge of politica l instability in some of its operation countries (Kapferer, 2012). Strategic choices Coca-Cola has several strategic choices that build on its core strategy of diversity in service. Coca-Cola literally expands into new market territories. The main method it employs to achieve this means of distributive properties. Despite the fact that Coca Cola’s headquarters are in Atlanta, the company owns bottling companies in several countries. The benefit as regards to this strategy relates to
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