Monday, May 25, 2020
My Life Span Development Class - 1372 Words
On March 10th, 2016, I decided to observe my younger brother, Nathan, who just turned 15 years old. I observed him while I was at home for spring break for my Life-Span Development class that I am taking at Dordt College. Before I observed my younger brother, I followed the proper procedure of asking for consent from his mother and having her sign a confidentiality statement. I had the pleasure of using my younger adolescent brother for this report and I was able observe him while he is in this adolescent stage of development. I completed this observation in my own home on a Thursday after my younger brother had come home from school. Nathan is a 15 year old male, when I came back from college on my Spring break vacation, I noticed that Nathan’s physical appearance had changed since the last time that I saw him. He is now much taller than I am and he eats more than I do. He is now going through physical changes as he is going through puberty, I think that he is maturing on time for his age and he seems to be doing fine with these changes. When Nathan first walked in the door after getting off the bus, he set his backpack and his coat down on the ground and walked to the fridge and made himself a large bowl of cheerios and milk. Nathan is starting to become much more independent than he once was, but being the youngest child, he is still fairly dependent on his parents. So far there has not been any tension with this new desire of independence. After that he went on hisShow MoreRelatedMy Life Span De velopment Class1108 Words  | 5 PagesOn February 17, 2016, our Life-Span Development class observed the physical, cognitive, and social development of Asher, a 5.5-month-old male. The observation was conducted at Dordt College in room CL2260 and the infant’s parent consented to participate in the live observation. Asher was quite sick and later saw a doctor, so the findings of this report may not entirely represent Asher’s development. Asher was 5 weeks along when his mother, Abby, found out she was pregnant. Asher is the third childRead MoreLife Span Development : Cognitive, Social, And Physical Development933 Words  | 4 PagesLife span developmental psychology takes a scientific approach to human growth and change, focusing on change during the life span. There are three main aspects to life span development: cognitive, social, and physical development. This class is not simply a discussion of nature vs. nurture, it explores the interaction between genetic and environmental factors that orient us towards specific behaviors. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
What Is Love - 1080 Words
One of the predominant themes in William Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night is love. The notion of love is important to the plot as many of the characters are driven by love. There are multiple forms of love depicted throughout the play; each character represents a different type of love. Viola displays a patient, sincere, and enduring love for Orsion as well as a deep familial love for her brother. Sebastian and Antonio share a special bond which could be classified as brotherly love. These two bonds can be seen as the most real forms of love depicted in Twelfth Night. Orsino and Olivia have both become possessed by a deep and sudden romantic love. Also, unrequited love can be seen by Olivia and Orsino. These similarities are ironic because Orsino believes he is madly in love with Olivia, whom he has never met. Olivia falls in love with Viola (i.e., Cesario) upon their first acquaintance. Meanwhile, Viola is in love with Orsino. Each character is caught in the circle of love, however, once Viola’s true identity is revealed the characters quickly change their love interests. Lastly, Malvolio represents the egoistic and conceited side of love. He loves himself and those who he can benefit from. Shakespeare combines love with humour showing the audience how love causes people act foolishly. Although each aspect of love has been greatly exaggerated in this comedy, enduring love, familial love, unrequited love, and self-love remain present in today’s society. The relationshipsShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Love? What It Is?1527 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Love? When asked the question â€Å"What is Love?†what are some of the first things that come to mind? Some people might say it is an emotion that we experience when we interact with the world around us. People can have love for many things such as money and other material possessions, family and friends, even the world around them. These are just a few examples of how we often use love in our lives. However, love is not only confined to our lives, it is also a very important emotion in religionsRead MoreWhat Is Love?1020 Words  | 5 Pages250 Tu/Thu 10/5/10 What is Love? Love is one of the most difficult words to define. I challenge you to try. You can even go the easy way and simply Google the word â€Å"love†. What you will find is not one but hundreds of definitions along with countless books, movies, and songs all having to do with love. The reason why it is so hard to define love is because there are different forms/stages of love and there are so many things that love can consist of. Also, love can have a different definitionRead MoreWhat is love?872 Words  | 3 PagesLove and passion is the burning sensation that drives humans to lead their lives into new horizons: following the heart hoping it will guide the way. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Vaccines Choosing What Goes Into Your Veins - 1823 Words
Do you remember going or taking your child to the pediatrician office for booster shots? Do you remember getting a flu shot or chicken pox shot? Do you remember how sore your arm felt? How nervous, you felt? Scared, even? Were you one of the few who got sick after getting a shot? Did you expect to be immune to getting the flu after going for the shot, but still got the flu anyway? Were you one of the few who suffered severe complications because of the misinformation spread by the CDC , Center for Disease Control? What if you were told you didnt need some of those shots you were forced to take? Did you know its against your rights to be forced to get a vaccine? Before we talk about vaccination, you should know how vaccines work.†¦show more content†¦How can you expect someone to be required to receive a shot every flu season that only 60%? Isnt that a failing grade? In a case that a vaccine only works 60% of the time shouldnt we have a choice to not receive that vaccine? And if we choose not to, should we lose our jobs for it? No. This is a human rights issue. It sounds like that hospital had a deal with vaccination companies to receive â€Å"funding†if they required their employees to get the shot. Scholars a the Harvard School of Public health developed a Public Health- Human Rights Impact Assessment Instrument to evaluate possible human right violations that occur when governments take action in the name of public health that limit individual right. They argue that such actions must be takes as a last resort and must only occur when they meet follow specific, stringent human rights conditions. Now, if we apply these eight core human right principles as they apply to the mandatory vaccination policies in the United States, there are major problems. With the first rule since mandatory vaccination represents a restriction of a right the UN charter would require a thick review of any public health policy. The second rule questions whether the current measures by the government are excessive. The thirdShow MoreRelated An Industry on the Brink: Consumers Need to Wake Up and Smell the Genetically Modified Coffee2649 Words  | 11 Pagesto believe that there would be any. The prospect of inserting a foreign gene into an organism and then consuming the organism, foreign gene and all, may sound less than appetizing to some. In fact, it’s really not much different from what people do everyday at mealtime. Every living organism is made up of cells and each of these cells contains every gene that is used to make up the organism. This is something that scientists have known for years. The genes of other organisms, cornRead MoreNclex Studyguide Pn7137 Words  | 29 PagesDO NOT delegate what you can EAT! E - evaluate A - assess T - teach addisons= down, down down up down cushings= up up up down up addisons= hyponatremia, hypotension, decreased blood vol, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia cushings= hypernatremia, hypertension, incrased blood vol, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia No Pee, no K (do not give potassium without adequate urine output) EleVate Veins; dAngle Arteries for better perfusion A= appearance (color all pink, pink and blue, blue [pale]) P= pulse (100, 100,Read MoreSubstance Abuse15082 Words  | 61 PagesWHAT IS MEANT BY DRUG DEPENDENCY? Drug dependence is a situation where an addict feels he/she must have drugs in order to live; this is the term to describe psychological dependence. Physical dependence occurs when the body metabolism adapts to the presence of the drugs, when the drug is removed strong withdrawal symptoms are produced. This withdrawal syndrome is experienced as sickness, stomach upset and muscular pain. Hallucinations and convulsions may also occur. EXPLAIN WHY ALCOHOL IS ARead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 PagesExploration and Analysis of Data, by Roxy Peck and Jay Devore, may be a more appropriate choice. Except for the treatment of probability and the omission of the Graphing Calculator Explorations, it parallels the material in this text. Please contact your sales rep for more information about this alternative and other alternative customized options available to you. New to This Edition There are a number of changes in the Third Edition, including the following: ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" MoreRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagessolution for courses in Principles of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PrenticeRead MoreSexually Transmitted Diseases35655 Words  | 143 Pagesg. a noble gas or atomic gas like neon), elemental molecules made from one type of atom (e.g. oxygen), or compound molecules made from a variety of atoms (e.g. carbon dioxide). A gas mixture would contain a variety of pure gases much like the air. What distinguishes a gas from liquids and solids is the vast separation of the individual gas particles. This separation usually makes a colorless gas invisible to the human observer. The interaction of gas particles in the presence of electric and gravitationalRead MoreCase Study148348 Words  | 594 Pagesdisposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the Publishers. 2  © Pearson Education Limited 2011 Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Using this Manual Planning Your Approach Designing the Teaching Scheme A Guide to Using the Work Assignments A Guide to Using the Case Studies Strategy Lenses The Exploring Strategy Website A Guide to Using the Video Material Exploring Strategy Teachers’ Workshops Teaching NotesRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesparticularly regarding sustainable competitive advantage and resources, and corporate strategy, particularly regarding diversiï ¬ cation and internationalisation. There are also issues of ownership and organisation. In the end, the fundamental question is: what future for the Ministry? ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" In 1991, 28-year-old James Palumbo invested  £225,000 (≈a340,000) of his own capital into a new dance club located in an old South London bus depot. As an old Etonian (the UK’s most elitist private school), a graduateRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesthe Contributors †¢ 343 _ IN TR OD UC TIO N Michael Adas B y any of the customary measures we deploy to demarcate historical epochs, the twentieth century does not appear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Marketing And Its Impacts On Supply Chain - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Marketing And Its Impacts On Supply Chain. Answer: Introduction The report focuses on the various concepts of marketing by analyzing the business organisation named LOreal within the cosmetic industry. The report will demonstrate the operating environment as well as develop useful marketing strategies for enhancing the marketing processes efficiency and consider the external and internal factors that can contribute to the marketing efficiency. To analyse the organisation and its operating environment, various aspects will be covered including the business organisations mission statement while the 5C approach will be used to determine the customers, collaborator, competitors and the entire organizational extent. By obtaining relevant information from this, it will be easy to conduct market researches and understand the threats that may be posed by the competitors ( 2018). This will also help in setting up various functions and develop marketing strategies for targeting specific market segments, enhance the value proposition and positi on the products properly in the market too. Issue 1 LOreal, Australia is one of the leading company in beauty within the cosmetic industry that provides the best quality cosmetic products and beauty services to the customers not only in Australia and but to customers all over the world. The company belongs from the cosmetic industry and the mission statement of the company is to share beauty with all through delivery of the best quality beauty products that can keep the customers satisfied and at the same time keep them beautiful with progressing age and healthy skin. The mission statement of the company is to enable cosmetic innovation for all. The beauty brand has been committed to excellence in the beauty products and services and contributed largely to the beauty and healthy skin of the individuals by allowing them to express their positive attitudes, behaviours, personalities and even gained self confidence (Bresler and Lubbe 2014). According to the company, beauty is a common language and so to ensure proper value statement, the organisation has provided the best cosmetics innovation from the perspectives of quality, safety, health and effectiveness. The slogan used for advertising purposes is Because you're worth it. The company follows the vision of fulfilling the diversity of beauty needs and even drew inspiration from many women to go beyond limitations and invested on the development of new products for becoming successful in the future. Beauty is a commitment, as stated by the organisation in its values and beliefs, which has enriched the beauty of people and created universalisation through promotion of new beauty products for each and everyone in different market segments of Australia (Kotler et al. 2014). The company to enhance the rband awareness and make people more centered on the products and services delivered by LOreal follows the marketing strategies. This would not only influence the buying behaviors of the consumers but could also result in high level of customer satisfaction. The marketing strategies followed by the company are distribution, promotions, managing corporate social responsibilities and extending the brand through internationalization. To stay ahead in the competition, the company has enhanced the distribution network by providing incentives and delivering more products and services to the retailers, distributors and keep those products in stock (Shen and Bissell 2013). To enhance brand promotions, LOreal has also provided complimentary lip guide after making purchases on a particular amount of money. Celebrity endorsements were done as well for ensuring that the products and services gain more exposure in the different market segments and influence the buying b ehaviours of the consumers. The company has supported campaign for safe cosmetics usage to enhance the confidence of customers to buy the products and maintain global business sustainability too. Marketing strategies also included advertising and promotions to promote innovation of products and even delivered products according to the needs of customers in the different market segments. Global advertisements spending has increased as well to enter the mass markets and keep the customers informed about the new products and services delivered by the organisation (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson 2012). To manage the corporate social responsibilities properly, LOreal, Australia has conducted researches to spend the fellowships for purchasing the various equipments and machineries. The company also handled the child care costs and travel costs to maintain consistency all throughout the research activities. Issue 2 The 5Cs of marketing is used by LOreal to conduct analysis of the various areas that are related to the marketing activities managed by the organisation. The 5Cs marketing has been effective for the organisation to create a well defined marketing plan and follow proper guidelines to make the best decisions and improve the profit and this allowed for gaining competitive advantage within the competitive cosmetic industry in Australia. The five major components of the model are customers, company, competition, collaborators and organisational context (Berthon et al. 2012). Company The offerings of the organisation, brand image and identity, culture, goals and objectives are considered as the major components of the first aspect of the 5Cs marketing analysis. The organisations strengths and major resources used by the company along with the weaknesses could be the other essential aspects required for the management of marketing activities with ease and effectiveness. The major strength of the company is its ability to conduct researches and promoting innovation by focusing on the beauty and thereby ensuring that the company offers the best quality cosmetic products to the consumers. Due to high level of dedication to the research, the company has been one of the leading cosmetic industry despite the huge competition in the market (Solomon 2014). The company also specializes in dermatological and pharmaceutical areas to focus on the development of new products and services and maintain quality in terms of the products and services offered. The weaknesses of the company are decentralized organizational structure, multiple sub divisions of the company and lower profit margin than the other cosmetics company. This problem has arisen due to the immense investments and costs incurred while managing the advertising and promotional activities. The scopes and opportunities of LOreal are immense because the company delivers its products and services to women of all ages. The company can further focus on hair styling, color, skin care products and perfume products too. Being one of the leading cosmetic company in Australia, the company also can target mass market by expanding globally. LOreal has also taken the benefits of having a good market share and with multiple patents registered by the company, it has become easy for managing the licensing activities and ensured global expansion (Morgan, Katsikeas and Vorhies 2012). One of the major threats could be the high competition level and economic downturn as well. The products and services are of good quality, tough sometimes, the customers might think that those had not been inclined with their basic needs and thus could skip buying. The company was trying to focus on hair care products though it failed miserably due to the products offered by Clairol, which is a leading hair care brand (Kim et al. 2012). Customers The company is serving the customers and managing the corporate social responsibilities properly to make sure that it not only benefits the customers but also contributing largely to the community. It is important for LOreal to understand the behaviors and lifestyles of the customers to influence their buying behaviours (Mintz and Currim 2013). The customers mainly want something unique from the company that can keep them beautiful or long time and at the same time, maintain healthy skin and hair. LOreal has offered products to every customer segments, from young to adults for ensuring that the products could enter new market segments easily and increase the customer base. The behaviours of customers are dependent upon the sales promotion done by the company, prices set, distribution and diversification of the products too (Nagasawa and Kizu 2012). Collaborators The distributors of Loreal include Giorgio Armani, Cacharel, Diesel, Lancome, Kiehls, Clarisonic, etc. The products division for the consumers are Loreal Paris, Essie, Maybeline, Magic, etc. There are no such suppliers because the company produces its own products and made conscious choices and decisions to reduce the environmental footprint. One of the major objective of the company is to archive sustainability, which has been possible by working in partnership with Good360 to provide support to the poor people. By managing partnership, the company contributed to the excellence by providing more than $1 billion worth of products to the Australians who were vulnerable to some kind of harm or suffered from poverty. Rather than using the supplies, the organisation promoted sustainable approaches through use of renewable energy, reduced the water wastage and even manage the reengineering package for using less plastic materials. There are few suppliers though who have been verified as s ustainable suppliers (Kizu and Nagasawa 2012). Competitors The major competitors of Loreal are Clairol, The Estee Lauder Companies Inc, Chanel, Estee Lauder, etc. The competition level is high and so it has posed serious threat for the company to sustain in the marketplace. Akin, Lanolips, Sodashi, The Jojoba company are new entrants in the market which can also give stiff competition to LOreal. Context The organizational context means the various factors that have impacted the business performance like the political, legal, technological, social and economic factors. The impact of EU law has restricted the production of various products consisting of chemicals like Phthalates. LOreal follows the obligations to deliver the best quality products that are safe and healthy and do not contain any harmful chemicals. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Uniontocreatebanonanimaltestingproductsapprovedseventh Amendment cosmetics directive (Osterwalder et al. 2014). The economic downturn was a major issue for LOreal, though the program of Young Women in science fellowship resulted in higher sales when compared to the last years profit. With the higher living standards, the consumers are focusing more on the brand image and demands for quality and convenience related to the cosmetic and skin care products has increased. With the advancement in technology, LOreal has conduct ed research and development activities and even registered more than 500 patents considering the cosmetics and dermatology fields (ter Heide and Gontarz 2017). The quality of products and services has alsoimprovedwiththeuseofnewmachineriesandequipments, furthermore promoted innovation too. Issue 3 The customers of Australia are more focused on quality regardless of the prices that have been set for the productsandservicesprovidedbytheorganisation.The customers want something that cannot only fulfill their demands and preferencesbutwillalsoinfluencetheirbehaviours to make purchases consistently ( 2018).The competitors that posed serious threats for the company were Revlon, Garnier, Lakme,Yardleyand Chamber. The context of business has changed due to the political, economic, social and technological factors that have created an impact on the business functioning. With the immense scopes brought through globalization, the consideration of political factors like fulfilling the Government obligations, managing the import policies and managing the rate of interest and exchange have contributed positively to the organisation. The rates of exchange could affect the way LOreal had been functioning and so according to the GDP rate, the prices should be set properly to keep up pace with the changing business environment. The cust9mers in Australia are less concerned about the prices of products, rather they are more conscious about the quality of products and services (Yoo, Donthu and Lee 2014). Therefore, in order to meet up to their expectations the company offered new product line including anti ageing cream and hair care products too. By collaborating with Good360, the products that remained unsold had been delivered to various charities and this supported the people suffering from poverty. The poor people were also provided with personal care goods, blankets and clothing s that they could live a good and healthy life in the future. LOreal, Australia is the silver sponsor of White Ribbon and it is managed to make sure that any sort of violence is prevented against the women ( 2018). Initially, L'Oreal was focused in selling its products to the countries like United States, and Japan as the market in these countries was very much open for foreign trade. However, the current scenario and the concept of globalization has urged LOreal to spread its business to the different countries like Australia, Russia, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa, which are the promising players of the market and their rising economies are likely to be even higher globally in the future. Australia is one of the flourishing and thriving target markets for Australia due to its high economics and consumer segmentation position. The main reason why L'Oreal would benefit from trading in the Australian continent is due to the culture of the people in the Australian continent. The population is not only advanced but they are willing to pay whatever it takes to lead a cheerful and healthy lifestyle. Not only the Australian women but also men are much obsessed about their living lifestyles, in term s of attractive looks and presentation. L'Oreal would be more successful in Australia due to the anti aging cream, which has been launched in recently launched. Main reason following this is that anti aging cream would spike a growth in market of the country. However, with rise in the number of competitors emerging with this category of product in the market, it has become necessary for the company to keep a strong foothold on the anti aging cream segment (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). L'Oreal is facing a great challenge from other major competitors in the cosmetics industry but it is still prevailing at the top of the list because of its strategies in the marketing mix (products, promotion and pricing according to the place (Hollensen 2015). The people of the Australia can afford to purchase first-class products. Therefore, it can be considered that the value proposition of L'Oreal in Australia would be much promising than some of the other countries where the people are not much interested in the premium products. L'Oreal is very cautious in the selection of the price tag for all the products. L'Oreal deals its price band for products in a range of moderate to low price, depending on the country and the assortment of the product and the quality. Thus, with reference to the value proposition of LOreal, the pricing structure has been kept in congruence to the quality of the products that L'Oreal delivers and would be delivering to its patrons (Osterwalder et al. 20 14). L'Oreal has extended its reach in more than 130 countries and is constantly looking for its expansion. L'Oreal possesses around 23 global brands, which would make it a versatile company for all consumers. The flagship of the company has reached around 25.83 billion in the year of 2016 and ever expanding in its net profit every year. Generation such profits in the existing competition is a certain positioning statement for the company. However, based on the target market, LOreal can certainly generate more revenue with respect to the response from the target market, the wide product assortments in correspondence to the brands product quality and excellence (Goetsch and Davis 2014). A detailed 4P marketing mix strategy is used for identifying the products, prices, places and promotions done by LOreal. Products There are many brands offered by Loreal and few of the major products of the company are Loreal Lux products including the Kiehl, Lancome, Ralph Lauren, Giorgio Armani, etc. The consumer product division consist of LOreal Paris, Maybeline New York, Garnier, Sampoo and the active cosmetic divisions include Vichy, Sanoflore, etc. From the marketing strategy illustrated in the above section , a new anti aging cream is also introduced to influence the buying behaviours and allow the company to generate more revenue, furthermore gain an increase in the market share too ( 2018). Price LOreal, being one of the major cosmetics brands has distributed the consumer product division brands in the retail channels for making those available easily for the customers. It will attract the mass market and the prices of the products are also reasonable. The products are available online too, because of which, the customers can even pay premium prices because of the good quality. To penetrate new market segments with different price levels, the company has continuously innovated and kept prices of products reasonable (Morgan, Katsikeas and Vorhies 2012). Place The products are available on the online shopping websites and with its huge distribution networks, the shops are present in more than 130 countries. The products and service are available at retail shops, supermarkets and at kirana stores for attracting more customers by targeting the mass market (Huang and Sarigll 2014). Promotion Celebrity endorsements are common for LOreal and popular celebrities promoted the brand like Jennifer Lopez, Naomi Watts, Aishwariya Rai Bachhan, Katrina Kaif to create awareness among the customers, Promotions have been done through digital advertisements and the word of mouth marketing promotions strategy has also aid of for the company to generate enough revenue in business. Social media involvement has also improved the efficiency of promotional activities (Bresler and Lubbe 2014). References Berthon, P.R., Pitt, L.F., Plangger, K. and Shapiro, D., 2012. Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.Business horizons,55(3), pp.261-271. Bresler, M. and Lubbe, I., 2014. Marketing management. Chan, H.K., He, H. and Wang, W.Y., 2012. Green marketing and its impact on supply chain management in industrial markets.Industrial Marketing Management,41(4), pp.557-562. 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