Monday, May 25, 2020
My Life Span Development Class - 1372 Words
On March 10th, 2016, I decided to observe my younger brother, Nathan, who just turned 15 years old. I observed him while I was at home for spring break for my Life-Span Development class that I am taking at Dordt College. Before I observed my younger brother, I followed the proper procedure of asking for consent from his mother and having her sign a confidentiality statement. I had the pleasure of using my younger adolescent brother for this report and I was able observe him while he is in this adolescent stage of development. I completed this observation in my own home on a Thursday after my younger brother had come home from school. Nathan is a 15 year old male, when I came back from college on my Spring break vacation, I noticed that Nathan’s physical appearance had changed since the last time that I saw him. He is now much taller than I am and he eats more than I do. He is now going through physical changes as he is going through puberty, I think that he is maturing on time for his age and he seems to be doing fine with these changes. When Nathan first walked in the door after getting off the bus, he set his backpack and his coat down on the ground and walked to the fridge and made himself a large bowl of cheerios and milk. Nathan is starting to become much more independent than he once was, but being the youngest child, he is still fairly dependent on his parents. So far there has not been any tension with this new desire of independence. After that he went on hisShow MoreRelatedMy Life Span De velopment Class1108 Words  | 5 PagesOn February 17, 2016, our Life-Span Development class observed the physical, cognitive, and social development of Asher, a 5.5-month-old male. The observation was conducted at Dordt College in room CL2260 and the infant’s parent consented to participate in the live observation. 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